Brew Country (poem)

Brew Country
We overlooked love songs
In the age to love. 
We nurtured dreams of a job
Of a different world
Where cries went for others
And gentle whispers were about how to get there.
We spoke of our past
We thought of a common future
We conspired to forget the present.
We ate biscuits and drank milky tea
Our present, this present, this living moment of sunlight and breeze
Needs those biscuits
Dipped in the memories of the days
When we spoke of the past
And dreamt  of a future.
Our past is now present and future.
A big slice of life went by
The sun and the breeze make it alive.
We have friends for company
And memories of milky tea that brewed feelings
We thought they were plans
 --- Madhavan N (c), 2020


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