Streetnama (poem)


Cities have scars
Written like memories in the heart
Street corners tell us of times past
Unvisited places bring strange recollections
Of books read, movies seen and persons who may have passed 
Through the sidewalk where you stand now.

We live in our veins and bones
Space is a trigger
Time is a flower
Smells bring sights
And unknown delights.

Why do I still hold in my bosom
The vision of a stranger
Out for a day's menial work
In the city of the Tinsel Town?
What did the surf in the Indian Ocean tell me
As I leaned and watched from my 10th floor hotel room
Why did 1996 feel like a century earlier
Was it the city
Or the way silence hung in the air?
All this I suspect
Are questions that look like answers
A scar turns a jewel
When sunshine falls
On a ruddy cheek
Blessed by morning light
  - Madhavan N (2022)


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